The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in many vital nutritional components. Being largely composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with few naturally grown food products; this diet has contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity but also extreme nutritional deficiency. While many commercially available vitamin and mineral supplements exist, they are manufactured in an artificial way that reduces bioavailability and promotes chemical contamination. As Americans are not likely to return to eating home grown food directly from their garden, the solution to the nutritional deficiency of America can be found in Whole Food Supplements which are vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient rich products made from actual food concentrates.
The Problem with the Standard American Diet
In the first part of the 1900's most Americans ate a healthy, whole food diet because they had no choice. All food was grown either by the family or obtained from immediately local sources. America in the 1900's was a largely agrarian society with most people living in rural areas and able to grow their own food. During the last century, a massive migration to urban areas has occurred. This has meant that even if one has the desire, most people no longer have the ability to produce self grown food. Either because there is no land or because many do not know how, very few people have a garden and even fewer produce protein in the form of dairy products and animal husbandry.
In spite of this developing migration, during World War II, families were encouraged to have a "victory garden". This was not to ensure that Americans had a great diet but actually to ensure that American families could feed themselves at all, while allowing most of commercial food production to be sent to the troops overseas. That was the last period in history that America got most of their nutrition from locally grown food.
Beginning around the 1950's, Americans did begin to recognize the value of vitamins and minerals within their diet. This was discovered because more and more pre-prepared, highly processed food products became available and nutritional deficiencies began to emerge.
After the end of World War II, many families became two-income families. In addition, many more single parents are now raising children by themselves. This means that in most homes, all of the adults present in any one household are likely employed outside of the home full-time leaving little time for food preparation alone much less any time for food production. America has become a convenience food nation consuming much of the diet from unnatural food sources.
Prepackaged and easy to prepare food products are just that, food "products". Though they may contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats and some "essential" nutrients, they are not real food. The entire food supply chain is rife with contamination and chemical processing and many Americans are unaware of how little nutritional value the food that they consume every day contains. So much publicity and education has focused on the so called food pyramid. The governmental and educational agencies that have devised the perfect American diet have never truly addressed the lack of nutrients, other than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of basic vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Calcium.
While these RDA levels of vitamin and mineral consumption may be an absolute bottom line essential to avoid obvious diseases of deficiency such as scurvy or rickets, they are hardly adequate and do not reflect but a small portion of the nutrients contained in whole food, necessary for promotion of health and prevention of disease.
A Crisis in America: Obesity and Other Diseases in the Face of Malnutrition
The main focus of the American diet in recent years has become reducing fat and increasing carbohydrates in the diet. This stream of thought was intended to reduce the growing epidemic of obesity but over the past 20 years, obesity has risen into numbers that appear to be a crisis for Americans. In fact, over the past 20 years the number of adult Americans who are obese has risen by 60% to an unprecedented level of almost 35% of American adults being considered obese. A much worse situation is that a similar number of approximately 32% of American children qualify as overweight or obese. For the first time in American history, the life expectancy of these children may be lower than that of their parents or grandparents.
This has led to an epidemic of heart disease, diabetes and other weight related problems occurring in record numbers not only in adults but seen in children as young as 18 months of age. Additional diseases that may be related to a lack of appropriate nutrients other than simple vitamins in American diets may include a wide variety of conditions ranging from immune disorders implicated in conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Cancer to psychiatric and neurological conditions such as ADHD, Autism and Depression.
Most people believe that obesity occurs simply because people eat too much. While that is true in part, obesity also results from continuously consuming the wrong types of food. In the 1900s when Americans were consuming a largely natural, whole food diet directly from farm to table, obesity was an extremely rare occurrence.
As our diet has changed from an agrarian society's nutrient rich food supply to the urbanized highly processed, artificial foods, our total food consumption has risen. This is in part because, though the body gets more calories from more food, it is still starved of nutrition causing one to eat even more. In addition, in our sedentary lifestyle our bodies actually need less food than when we lived and worked each day on the farm, yet we still eat more because of lack of proper nutrients, abundance of easily obtained processed food and other psychological conditions such as stress eating. In the end, America has become a nation of people who are obese but still malnourished and disease ridden.
An Attempt to Fix the Problem
The ideal diet truly would be that of returning to whole food "farm to table" eating where families either grow their own food and prepare it within minutes of harvesting or at a minimum obtain locally grown food from the market and prepare it within a day or so of harvesting. In today's society this is no longer possible. Even when fresh vegetables and fruits are consumed as a large portion of the diet, our nation's food supply is contaminated by the use of pesticides, herbicides and hormones and much of the nutrient value is lost by transportation of the food crop from thousands of miles away. Food is harvested before it is truly ripe, irradiated, stored cold and transported across states, nations and even oceans before it arrives in our grocery stores as tasteless, substandard, nutrient poor produce.
Many people are attempting to eat only organic, locally grown produce for this reason. While this may be an improvement over the nutritional value of the standard American diet, it is nearly always much more expensive and therefore unaffordable for many and unavailable for others as most markets do not focus on obtaining such products. So this effort, while valiant is still not enough.
The good news about the American nutritional situation is that it is quite easy to fix. Given appropriate nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Many diseases and conditions caused by overconsumption and malnourishment can be easily corrected by supplementation with whole food nutritional products.
As Americans cannot rely on the food supply to provide adequate nutrition and also cannot count on the source, quality and purity of most commercially available nutritional supplements, the only answer appears to lie in whole food supplementation.
Apa itu suplemen makanan seluruh?
Seluruh makanan suplemen didefinisikan sebagai suplemen gizi yang berasal dari makanan. Ini adalah metode yang jauh lebih alami dan bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan nutrisi dari makanan dan suplemen herbal sama.
Sayangnya, kebanyakan tersedia secara komersial suplemen gizi termasuk vitamin, mineral dan produk-produk herbal terbuat dari ekstrak bahan tunggal atau lebih buruk lagi, artifisial disintesis di laboratorium menggunakan proses kimia. Sementara disintesis suplemen mungkin bahkan memberikan dasar vitamin dan mineral yang dikenal sebagai penting, produk olahan artifisial yang hilang banyak alkaloid, antioksida dan fitokimia yang diperkirakan memainkan peran utama dalam menyelesaikan nutrisi dan pencegahan penyakit.
Sama berlaku untuk suplemen herbal dan perawatan seperti kebanyakan produk-produk herbal yang tersedia secara komersial memberikan ekstrak atau disintesis bentuk kimia terutama aktif dalam ramuan, mereka yang masih hilang banyak bahan sinergis diperkirakan memberikan manfaat tambahan pengobatan herbal dan nutraceutical.
Hanya mengambil vitamin tidak cukup
Vitamin dan mineral yang mutlak diperlukan untuk hidup tapi RDA umumnya tidak memadai dalam estimasi dan terjangkau melalui rata-rata diet Amerika.
Sementara banyak suplemen gizi yang tersedia secara komersial tersedia di setiap sudut, melalui kebutuhan, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tidak sedikit untuk mengatur pembuatan makanan suplemen seperti vitamin, mineral, dan produk-produk herbal. FDA ternyata tidak dapat mengelola bahkan yang ' tugas regulasi industri farmasi dan jaminan keamanan pasokan makanan Amerika.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak produk farmasi palsu telah ditemukan seperti obat flu yang dijual secara online, diproduksi di-luar Amerika Serikat ditemukan untuk menjadi gelatin kapsul diisi dengan sheetrock partikel. Selain Amerika telah melihat kasus demi kasus E. Coli dan Salmonella kontaminasi kedua Amerika dan luar negeri pertanian tanaman seperti daun selada, tomat, bawang dan paprika masukkan kami toko kelontong. Beberapa produk yang bahkan "organic disebut" produk, diakui untuk menjadi lebih aman daripada tanaman tradisional.
Mengapa seluruh makanan suplemen
Karena ada tidak memadai pengawasan produksi industri farmasi dan makanan, ada bahkan kurang dari pasar suplemen gizi. Rata-rata vitamin atau suplemen gizi diproduksi menggunakan sintesis kimia dan pengolahan yang menghancurkan nilai gizi produk dalam panas. Selain itu, banyak produk yang tersedia secara komersial diproduksi dengan pengisi, aditif, pengawet dan bahan kimia lain meragukan. Seluruh makanan suplemen yang tidak.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kekurangan yang signifikan telah datang kepada terang dalam hal produk asing membuat makanan dan kesehatan. Banyak produk telah terbukti menjadi terkontaminasi dengan tidak hanya dikenal kimia yang hadir di suplai makanan Amerika tetapi juga dengan jauh lebih berbahaya bahan kimia tidak diketahui yang tidak harus memasukkan proses manufaktur. Satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan bahwa tidak terjadi adalah untuk membeli produk berkualitas tinggi dari sebuah perusahaan dengan reputasi mapan untuk mempertahankan standar yang tinggi dari manufaktur dan kemurnian. Seperti seluruh makanan suplemen produk alami, ini akan menjadi optimal jika produsen bekerja praktik kebijakan keberlanjutan dan hijau.
Produsen suplemen makanan ideal mengakui bahwa vitamin tidak ada dalam isolasi. Nilai gizi makanan secara keseluruhan adalah karena jalin-menjalin dari seluruh spektrum nutrisi dengan vitamin dan mineral yang bertindak dalam mode sinergis dengan ratusan lainnya tanaman alkaloid, Fitokimia, dan enzim. Kofaktor dan bioflavonoid seperti terpenes dan isoflavon hadir dalam seluruh makanan dan suplemen makanan secara keseluruhan integral dalam proses untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan biokimia tubuh.
Hal ini cukup mudah untuk mengidentifikasi ketika memeriksa label Nutrisi suplemen, vitamin atau produk herbal. Meskipun FDA tidak melakukan pekerjaan yang memadai pemantauan pasokan makanan atau industri farmasi, mereka telah menetapkan standar pelabelan yang meliputi identifikasi tepat semua bahan-bahan yang terkandung dalam suplemen. Menutup pemeriksaan suplemen yang paling biasa bila dibandingkan dengan seluruh makanan suplemen akan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar produk mengandung vitamin sintetis, bahan kimia dan produk-produk pengisi sementara seluruh makanan suplemen mengandung vitamin alami dan mineral yang Diperoleh dari sumber terkonsentrasi makanan seperti buah-buahan dan sayuran.
Suplemen diproduksi dari seluruh sumber makanan akan berisi tidak hanya bentuk alami vitamin dan mineral tetapi juga semua phytochemical penting dan fitonutrien penting untuk pemulihan nutrisi kesehatan dan pencegahan penyakit yang berasal dari konsentrat seluruh makanan.
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